Best Skin Care Tips for Men That Can Reverse the Signs of Aging

Skin care doesn’t only benefit women. Men like yourself can also benefit from having a good skin care regimen every day. Most men think that they can just wake up in the morning and clean their faces with bars of soap. In reality, you can use quick and easy tips to take your skin care game to the next level. No matter how inexperienced or lax you are with skin care, these tips can keep you looking young for years to come.
Wash Your Face With a Good Cleanser
This tip is basic but important nevertheless. Using a good facial cleanser is extremely important when it comes to skin care. While it might seem like a no-brainer to some men, it’s actually one that guys miss the most often. Instead, men like to take hot showers and scrub their faces with harsh soap bars.
Dermatologists say that using a soap bar dries out your skin, and we couldn’t agree more. Dry skin leads to the formation of wrinkles, which probably isn’t the look that you’re going for. Instead, use a gentle cleaner to remove dirt and oil from your face. Often, using a cleaner that has colloidal oatmeal is a good idea because it will hydrate your face while you clean it.
Avoid Using Cheap Razors on Your Face
Men who keep clean-shaven faces should know that buying a quality razor is important. After all, many men shave up to five times in a week. For that reason, it’s important to choose a razor wisely. Avoid budget razors and find one that keeps skin sensitivity in mind.
Likewise, think twice about buying a razor that has several blades on it. Many of them cut the hair too deep, which results in ingrown hairs and razor burn.
Also, pay close attention to the shaving gel that you use. Choose a moisturizing shaving gel. Such products typically offer the best protection and restore moisture to your face.
Lastly, don’t shave with cold water. Use warm water because it softens your facial hair for an easier shave. You could even shave in the shower since it takes a few minutes for facial hair to become soft. Wait a few minutes after getting in the shower before you shave.

Hydrate Your Skin With a Nightly Anti-Aging Cream
Using a nightly anti-aging cream is twofold. Firstly, it hydrates your skin, which is an important step in any skin care regimen. Secondly, it reduces the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. You’ll be shocked at how many years you can erase by using anti-aging creams.
What should you look for in a good anti-aging cream? Focus mostly on those that feature all-natural ingredients. Some examples include:
- Green tea extract
- Aloe
- Hyaluronic acid
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin E
In order to get the most out of these creams, you have to use them nightly. You should start to notice results within a week. Some creams might show minor improvements after just one or two uses.
Don’t Forget the Sunscreen
A lot of guys love to spend time in the sun. However, ultraviolet rays can cause more damage to your skin than you might be aware. Even spending as little as 5 to 10 minutes in the sun is enough to cause damage. Because of that, you should apply sunscreen if you plan to spend a significant amount of time outdoors.
Dermatologists recommend applying a sunscreen that’s at least 30 SPF or higher to protect your skin. You might be able to get by with a facial moisturizer with built-in sunblock. Typically, such products only offer between 15 and 20 SPF.
Is it really that easy to turn back the hands of time and reverse the signs of aging? Yes, if you follow these tips every day. Remember that a skin care regimen is only successful when you keep up with your skin daily. Start incorporating these skin care tips into your daily routine and read more of our articles for additional tips.