
Eyelash Growth: What’s Your Best Option?

Every girl out there wants long, sexy eyelashes; the kind of lashes that can make a man stop dead in his tracks. So what’s a girl to do if her eyelashes are thin or short? We’re here to help you find the best ways to make your eyelashes longer, more luscious, and a lot more ‘bat’-able.

Can You Make Your Eyelashes Grow Back?

If your eyelashes are thin or sparse, there may be a variety of causes: genetics, infection, stress, malnutrition, or even possible psychological problems like trichotillomania (the compulsion to keep pulling out your eyelashes).

No matter what’s behind your eyelash issues, the best news is that your eyelashes can grow longer than ever before. There are plenty of natural eyelash growth serums out there that naturally replenish your hair follicles with proteins and vitamins like Vitamins A, E, and B5 to keep your lashes growing long and luscious.

Lash Extensions

Instead of going for eyelash growth serums or conditioners or even mascara, most women simply go for false eyelashes instead. The only problem is that they’re, well… fake. Even the most expensive falsies and lash extensions don’t look natural, and the cheaper ones just don’t look classy at all. They can also be extremely time-consuming and hard to maintain.

Synthetic Products: Better Than Growing Eyelashes Naturally?

If you want thick and long eyelashes, but you care about your health and safety, it’s probably best to avoid synthetic and prescription eyelash growth products. The side effects from the chemicals inside and price aren’t worth the minimal positive results you’ll get from using these products. One of the more popular products around, Latisse, contains latanoprost and travoprost, which can permanently change the color of your eyes. Bimatoprost, another popular ingredient in synthetic eyelash growth products, can actually cause blindness, infections, seizures, and can even make your eyelashes fall out!

So What Are the Best Eyelash Growth Products?

As you’ve probably already gathered from this article, the best eyelash growth products use natural ingredients to help make your lashes as luscious and long as they can be. If you’re not sure where to start looking for products, you’re in luck- we’ve reviewed the top naturally-based products on the market for you! Take a look at our eyelash growth product reviews to find the best eyelash product for you!