
Anti-Wrinkle Ingredients: Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ-10)

Coenzyme Q10 (popularly known as CoQ-10) occurs naturally in a wide variety of foods. In terms of meats, it can be found in the highest concentrations in pork heart, reindeer meat, and beef heart. Sardine, cuttlefish, and tuna all contain high levels of Coenzyme Q10, as well. Coenzyme Q10 can be found in some vegetables, with the highest concentrations coming from spinach, sweet potato, garlic, and peas. Coenzyme Q10 is also known as Ubiquinone, and by the abbreviation CoQ10.

Coenzyme Q10 is an organic compound that the body produces on its own. Cells then use CoQ10 to provide additional energy for their functions. In addition to this primary role, CoQ10 also serves as an antioxidant, a compound that protects the body from harmful compounds.

For the most part, doses of CoQ10 do not carry the risk of adverse side effects. Some cases have been documented in which people have experienced lowered blood pressure. Individuals who are allergic to CoQ10 have reported rashes, hives, swelling in the hands and feet, and shortness of breath. Severe overdoses of CoQ10 have resulted in insomnia, headaches, and heartburn.

Very little is known about how this particular ingredient interacts with the skin. Although there are many clinical trials that focus on CoQ10, few if any of them have focused on its possible cosmetic applications. At this time, little is known about how this ingredient can affect the skin.